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03 产品销售(5 / 11)


pernal data shall we ove on with it?


r sith: iss kant, i really don&039;t see the pot of ttg an surance policy i&039; still young and sgle what&039;s ore, i have fixed e and savgs of y own


jane: you&039;re right but you&039;ll t arried and have children eventually, won&039;t you? why don&039;t you have an surance ver when you&039;re young and healthy? i dare ake sure you&039;ll need it when you t arried the future you ay choose to t it cheap now or expensive the future


r sith: will the return be better than the bank savgs?


jane: the long run, yes you can regard it as a long ter vestnt pn and we are talkg about a ite secure vestnt here you will see that your total cash vae and dividends auute very fast



1 pernal data 个人资料

2 ove on 继续前进;更换工作(话题等);离开

3 pot [p?t] n意义,目的;用途;观点;分数

4 surance policy 保险单

5 fixed 固定收入

6 surance ver 保险保障;保险范围


how to exchan goods suessfully

arketg can be defed as any huan activity which is directed at satisfyg deands by creatg and exchangg goods and vae with others nowadays firs are facg stiff petition and the firs which can best satisfy ctor deands will survive and ake the rst profits goods are products of bor ed to exchan the essential of arketg is to ake the exchan of goods or service take pce four nditions t exist to realize the exchan

first, an exchan reires participation by o or ore dividuals, groups, or anizations

send, each party t possesses thg vaable that the other party desires

third, each party t be willg to give up its “thg of vae” to t the“thg of vae” held by the other

forth, the parties to

